The topic of the day is the proposed raises for the Indianapolis-Marion County City County Council and the Indianapolis Mayor. The proposal, sponsored by outgoing councilor Mary Moriarty Adams, would boost the pay of councilors to about $16,000 and the mayor to about $120,000. The proposal has a short life span if it isn't acted on quickly, as the council will only have one more full meeting this calendar year. And any measure that doesn't make it out of the full council by the end of the year dies as the term of this council ends on January 1, 2016. According to IndyPolitics, outgoing Mayor Greg Ballard declined to say if he supported it or not, saying he hasn't seen the specifics of the proposal.
Several news reports have mentioned that councils and/or mayors in other Indiana cities, or cities in neighboring states, have much higher salaries. In fact, Carmel Mayor Jim Brainard and the Carmel City-Council voted raises for most city employees themselves and Brainard earlier this year. Carmel's elected officials voted on those raises as part of the city's budget, after the 2015 Republican primary in May, which is the de facto election in Carmel and most of Hamilton County.
Social media commentary on local news' Facebook pages have been almost universally negative on this action.
So what do I think?
I think the salaries for mayors and councils across the state have a huge pay gap. And I honestly don't see why. I wonder if one party control in some of these cities (particularly Carmel, Westfield, and Gary) might make it easier to slip these pay increases in. Many of these communities have been one party control for decades, but it is only within the last 10 years that Democrats have really had the same kind of success that they've long had in Gary, or Republicans have had in Carmel.
I think proposing this after an election, where this wasn't an issue that was talked about publicly, reeks of backroom deals. I suspect that this has been talked about in caucuses and informal meetings for quite some time.
I think putting this before a lame duck council, with several members not returning, and a lame duck mayor, is attempting to circumvent political backlash, hoping that people won't remember or won't care in four years.
I honestly don't have a problem with council raises. A good councilor does a lot of work. Some treat it as a full time or nearly full time job in addition to their actual full time job and other responsibilities. The ones doing the hard work, I have much less of a problem giving it to them. The do-nothings, I have more of an issue with.
As for the Mayor, I think the perks more than make up for whatever salary he doesn't get.
Ideally, I'd like to completely revamp our legislative body. I think we're a big city and we should have a big-boy, full time council. Cut it down to 11 or 13 members, give them a decent salary, make it their full time job. Put restrictions on other work they can do so conflicts of interest don't arise. Microsoft's Board of Directors is only 10 people so there's no reason we need 25 cooks in the kitchen.
Failing that, I really think the Indiana state legislature and look at the disparity in pay between city and county councils and Mayors of cities and towns and take the politics out of it. Establish a salary for elected officials based on the type of city (class 1, etc...) or county, set the salary, index it to inflation. I really can't think of a good reason the Mayor of Gary or Westfield should be paid more than the Mayor of Indianapolis. I'd like similar rules to be established for the county wide offices, but many of those offices might be supported by specific fees they charge and the fees collected in a more populated county will obviously be more than in a more rural county.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Indiana: Where Our State Parks Aren't Free And Don't Have Trash Cans
A friend of mine recently moved to Indianapolis and overall has enjoyed her time in the city. But her top gripe is that the closest state park, Fort Harrison State Park, charges admission or requires an annual membership.
We took my dog, Quest, out on a hike through the park today. Along the way we noticed several signs saying dogs must be on a leash at all times and that owners must clean up after their dog. As a good citizen, I did so when my dog made a mess.
As our hike ended and we returned to the parking lot, we looked for a trash can and found none. There are several picnic tables, and even picnic areas presumably meant for large gatherings. But not a single trash can was around. Both restrooms also did not have trash cans.
We did, however, encounter signs saying that group picnics must clean up after themselves.
As we left the park, I kept an eye out for a trash can, any trash can, any where, only to find none.
My friend mentioned that the Department of Natural Resources also runs the nearby Fort Harrison State Park Inn and Golf Resort. She complained that she has to pay admission to the Ft Harrison State Park but it seems unable to provide even basic levels of service in return for membership. She also wonders if her membership fee for the park is subsidizing the Inn and Golf Resort.
I wonder if they have trash cans at the golf resort?
We took my dog, Quest, out on a hike through the park today. Along the way we noticed several signs saying dogs must be on a leash at all times and that owners must clean up after their dog. As a good citizen, I did so when my dog made a mess.
As our hike ended and we returned to the parking lot, we looked for a trash can and found none. There are several picnic tables, and even picnic areas presumably meant for large gatherings. But not a single trash can was around. Both restrooms also did not have trash cans.
We did, however, encounter signs saying that group picnics must clean up after themselves.
As we left the park, I kept an eye out for a trash can, any trash can, any where, only to find none.
My friend mentioned that the Department of Natural Resources also runs the nearby Fort Harrison State Park Inn and Golf Resort. She complained that she has to pay admission to the Ft Harrison State Park but it seems unable to provide even basic levels of service in return for membership. She also wonders if her membership fee for the park is subsidizing the Inn and Golf Resort.
I wonder if they have trash cans at the golf resort?
Monday, July 27, 2015
LA Starts Electric Car Sharing Program for $1.6 million Vs BlueIndy's $49 million
NBC Los Angeles reports that the state of California has awarded a $1.6 million dollar grant for Los Angeles to launch an electric car sharing program. The program will launch in some of its more diverse and low-income areas, including South LA and Koreatown. The pilot intends to add a fleet of 100 cars, with residents being able to sign up and pay a monthly membership or pay on a per-hour basis. While exact rates are still being worked out, officials are saying they hope it to be lower priced than car sharing services such as Uber and Lyft.
For reference, Los Angele's base uber fee is $0 bae, $.18 per minute, and $1 per mile. Indianapolis' Uber fares are $1.25 base, $.18 per minute, and $.95 per mile.
While the report doesn't specifically say what type of electric car infrastructure that LA already has, I'm going to guess the answer is little to none. You can see some shots of charging stations being constructed in the background if you watch the news report clip on NBC-LA's web site. All in all, this works out to about $16,000 per car.
In contrast, the electric car sharing program BlueIndy is costing nearly $50 million for 500 cars. That cost likely doesn't take into account the millions of dollars of lost revenue whenDictator Mayor Greg Ballard (R) unilaterally removes hundreds of parking spots from public use to turn them over to the exclusive use of a for-profit company. Or the massive fines ParkIndy, the private operator of our public parking meters, will levy upon the city for the permanent removal of the parking spaces. Despite the $6 million dollar in help from city taxpayers, don't expect that to make it any cheaper to rent one of these cars. A 2014 estimate puts the estimate at $15 for an hour, or membership fees at $10-15 for a week or an annual membership costing about $15 a month.
Total costs work out to about 98,000 per car.
Had enough Indy?
For reference, Los Angele's base uber fee is $0 bae, $.18 per minute, and $1 per mile. Indianapolis' Uber fares are $1.25 base, $.18 per minute, and $.95 per mile.
While the report doesn't specifically say what type of electric car infrastructure that LA already has, I'm going to guess the answer is little to none. You can see some shots of charging stations being constructed in the background if you watch the news report clip on NBC-LA's web site. All in all, this works out to about $16,000 per car.
In contrast, the electric car sharing program BlueIndy is costing nearly $50 million for 500 cars. That cost likely doesn't take into account the millions of dollars of lost revenue when
Total costs work out to about 98,000 per car.
Had enough Indy?
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Governor Pence Throws Gaming Commission Under Bus
The Indiana Gaming Commission has gotten into some hot water for sending out a letter to a Muncie-based assisted living home concerning a Euchre game that has a small betting pool and modest prizes. The commission's letter said it would require a charity gaming license to continue hosting this Euchre game.
In later reports, Governor Mike Pence (R) has ordered the agency to use "common sense" and specifically to leave the Muncie-based assisting living home alone. The WIBC report also says the gaming commission used a form letter, probably something they've sent out dozens, if not hundreds, of times. It is probably something they are fairly certain they can legally do.
I don't want to end up defending the Indiana Gaming Commission. I am no fan of legalized gambling, and really am disheartened that gambling seems to be seeping into our culture more and more. I don't think it adds any societal value. And in practice, gambling (Both casinos and the like as well as lotteries) disproportionately target poor and minority communities and little to no revenue from the taxes collected on gambling end up helping the populations it prays on.
But to me, it seemed like the Indiana Gaming Commission was just doing its job. Governor Pence has a law degree and probably has a few juris doctorate holders in his administration, and a few lawyers on speed dial. If the problem is the law, Governor Pence could've attempted to address it during the legislative session earlier this year.
But that wasn't important to Governor Pence then, and he shouldn't get to ignore the law now just because it isn't politically convenient.
For an opposing view, see Ogden On Politics.
In later reports, Governor Mike Pence (R) has ordered the agency to use "common sense" and specifically to leave the Muncie-based assisting living home alone. The WIBC report also says the gaming commission used a form letter, probably something they've sent out dozens, if not hundreds, of times. It is probably something they are fairly certain they can legally do.
I don't want to end up defending the Indiana Gaming Commission. I am no fan of legalized gambling, and really am disheartened that gambling seems to be seeping into our culture more and more. I don't think it adds any societal value. And in practice, gambling (Both casinos and the like as well as lotteries) disproportionately target poor and minority communities and little to no revenue from the taxes collected on gambling end up helping the populations it prays on.
But to me, it seemed like the Indiana Gaming Commission was just doing its job. Governor Pence has a law degree and probably has a few juris doctorate holders in his administration, and a few lawyers on speed dial. If the problem is the law, Governor Pence could've attempted to address it during the legislative session earlier this year.
But that wasn't important to Governor Pence then, and he shouldn't get to ignore the law now just because it isn't politically convenient.
For an opposing view, see Ogden On Politics.
Tuesday, June 23, 2015
IMPD, We Need To Have a Talk
Last month, the latest officer from the Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department was arrested with an allegation of drunk driving. At least seven other IMPD officers have been arrested for similar charges since 2013. Other recent headlines show that an IMPD officer is on administrative leave due to accusations of spousal abuse. And there's the strange case of an IMPD officer found dead in a home, the same home that another man died in after an ingestion of chloroform.
IMPD, we need to have a talk.
When I was writing this blog on a more regular basis, I had several people within IMPD, officers and others, who would come to me as sources. When I ran for council in 2011, I was the only non-major party candidate endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 86. I've also had Rick Snyder from the FOP on the former podcast Civil Discourse Now. I'm not listing these things to brag, but to show that this is coming from someone who respects law enforcement and is sympathetic to how difficult the job can be, especially with the current occupants of the 25th floor.
But I'm finding it more and more difficult to defend IMPD in cases like these.
In her weekly column in the Indianapolis Recorder, Shannon Williams recounted an experience she had when she reported an officer's behavior to the Citizen Police Complaint Board. Williams, the President of the Recorder Media Group, had called dispatch to file a report because her dog was struck in a hit and run. She was able to file a report, and she had no problems filing the complaint with the board, but the official report on the officer uncovered the officer's side of the incident.
Williams claims that:
Among the specific claims that Williams found most ludicrous was that she was a victim of domestic violence, the officer claiming she never wanted a report filed, and that she lacked credibility. She also referred to the driver who hit her dog as "a gentleman", which the officer found inconsistent.
Williams' overall point was that even though this was a minor transgression, she was shocked at the length IMPD went to discredit her for an officer that she alleged to be rude and incompetent. If this is what they do when an officer is rude to a citizen, to what extent are they going to protect someone who does something beyond rude?
The last several years, rank and file officers and top brass have tried to promote a message that this is a new IMPD. Unfortunately, I can't say much has changed. A lot needs to be addressed from the top on down. I don't think the 25th floor or the top brass is going to step up to the challenge, so I hope the rank and file will help themselves out. It is going to be difficult, but it has to be done.
And it wouldn't hurt if the mayoral candidates weighed in on this as well.
IMPD, we need to have a talk.
When I was writing this blog on a more regular basis, I had several people within IMPD, officers and others, who would come to me as sources. When I ran for council in 2011, I was the only non-major party candidate endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 86. I've also had Rick Snyder from the FOP on the former podcast Civil Discourse Now. I'm not listing these things to brag, but to show that this is coming from someone who respects law enforcement and is sympathetic to how difficult the job can be, especially with the current occupants of the 25th floor.
But I'm finding it more and more difficult to defend IMPD in cases like these.
In her weekly column in the Indianapolis Recorder, Shannon Williams recounted an experience she had when she reported an officer's behavior to the Citizen Police Complaint Board. Williams, the President of the Recorder Media Group, had called dispatch to file a report because her dog was struck in a hit and run. She was able to file a report, and she had no problems filing the complaint with the board, but the official report on the officer uncovered the officer's side of the incident.
Williams claims that:
"...aspects of the report were not only inaccurate, but some “findings” were actual lies. My words were misconstrued completely and a false stage was set in an attempt to dispute my complaint or substantiate the inappropriate behavior of the officer."
Among the specific claims that Williams found most ludicrous was that she was a victim of domestic violence, the officer claiming she never wanted a report filed, and that she lacked credibility. She also referred to the driver who hit her dog as "a gentleman", which the officer found inconsistent.
Williams' overall point was that even though this was a minor transgression, she was shocked at the length IMPD went to discredit her for an officer that she alleged to be rude and incompetent. If this is what they do when an officer is rude to a citizen, to what extent are they going to protect someone who does something beyond rude?
The last several years, rank and file officers and top brass have tried to promote a message that this is a new IMPD. Unfortunately, I can't say much has changed. A lot needs to be addressed from the top on down. I don't think the 25th floor or the top brass is going to step up to the challenge, so I hope the rank and file will help themselves out. It is going to be difficult, but it has to be done.
And it wouldn't hurt if the mayoral candidates weighed in on this as well.
Monday, May 4, 2015
I Support Councilor Mansfield and Councilor Scales

While both come from different political parties, both have a history on the council of independent voting, sometimes voting against their own party.
I came to know these two women in completely different ways.
When I first started following the council, Councilor Mansfield was one of the minority members on a committee dealing with some budget item from the Capitol Improvement Board. She was the only no vote on that committee. I thought that took courage, when even members of her own party would support it but she couldn't.
Legislative representatives have almost perfected a craft in talking about how hard votes are and how they really want to vote one way but just have to vote the other and on and on. Councilor Mansfield isn't like that. She's just going to come to a conclusion and stick to it. She'll listen to you if you disagree, but I haven't seen her fold under public pressure.
She has also been one of the most articulate critics of Mayor Greg Ballard's administration within the second term. Some Democrats, on the council and off, think it is enough to say that Mayor Ballard is a Republican and thus his policies are bad. But Mansfield doesn't settle for that. She will tell you precisely what policies they are and why they're bad. She'll even have suggestions on how to fix it.
I do not want this to be construed as being against Councilor Leroy Robinson, who is running against Mansfield in the Democratic primary. Councilor Robinson and I have not always seen eye to eye. But I think he has grown into the council and it suits him well. But his perplexing strategy of avoiding candidate forums and declining to appear on Amos Brown's radio program (probably the easiest booking opportunity ever for any candidate on a ballot within Marion County), as well as the massive amount of money he is raising for this race, are causes for concern.
The district is also roughly what my grandfather, Gordon Gilmer, represented during his time on the council.
District 3 is also on the northside of Indianapolis (northeast rather than northwest), and it should come as no surprise that I fully support and endorse Councilor Christine Scales.
I don't know if I can recall exactly the first time I interacted with Councilor Scales directly. But several years ago, I received an invitation from someone inviting me to a meeting. I get a lot of legit looking spam via e-mail due to this blog, but I thought this sounded legit. The proposed sale of the water utility company had been proposed, and Councilor Scales was organizing a blogger round table. We were given the opportunity to directly question representatives of Citizens Energy Group on the proposed sale of the water utility. It was a very productive and informative conversation.
Since then, Councilor Scales and I kept in touch. About a year or so ago, she was voted out of the caucus of the Council Republicans. I remember writing her shortly after about the possible switch of her party affiliation from Republican to Democrat. There were some Democrats (both on the council and off) who were absolutely targeting her as a party switch, while others were working behind the scenes. I wrote to her saying that if she didn't believe in her heart of hearts that she was a Democrat, then she should sit outside during caucus meetings with pride. She is one of the hardest working council members out there and will always hear you out, even if you don't live in her district.
If you live in one of these council districts, I hope you consider supporting one of these courageous councilors. In an election where we're very likely to get more of the same from the powers-that-be, it'd be nice to send two councilors back to the City-County building who aren't bought and paid for.
2015 Elections,
Angela Mansfield,
Christine Scales
Wednesday, April 1, 2015
A Little Update on Progress
Warning: May contain strong language.
I have something to admit.
I had an evolution, personally, in regards to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender culture and LGBT people.
Not so much that I ever really questioned the need for equality in areas such as marriage or civil rights, but in terms of how I used language related to LGBT people.
As a teenager in high school, and probably well into my late teens and early 20s, I casually used the word "gay" as an adjective. I remember using the word "homosexual" rather than "gay" to describe a gay man or gay people. Which in itself isn't specifically slander, it is a much more clinical term and in the context of how it is used today, it is often followed by words like "the homosexual agenda" or "the homosexual takeover of America".
It also isn't too hard to find old social media accounts (before Twitter or Facebook were a thing) where I even casually used the word "fag" or called my friends "faggot".
I don't know if I ever used those words in front of someone who was gay or lesbian. But statistically speaking, if they are anywhere between 2-5% of the population within the United States, my high school probably had a few. And as someone who has been hurt by words, I should realize how hurtful hearing those words can be. Even if they weren't directed at them.
This is something I really regret. I'm not proud of it. But it is something I've done in the past. I've recognized it. And I'd like to think I take a more careful consideration of my words. Not just when talking about LGBT, but for all groups of people. I know words can hurt.
Having been listening to a lot of conservative radio going ga-ga over Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration (Enrolled) Act, I've started to notice something. That even among conservative pundits on radio and television, the language has completely changed from what it was from 10 or even 5 years ago.
Some are saying "gay" or "lesbian". Very few are using "homosexual". But most seem to just be saying "LGBT" or "GLBT" or they say the full four words. Most aren't even adding a joke about "alphabet soup" after saying it. I'm sure someone has used "faggot" on the radio, but not any show I've heard.
I think that when you win a fight like that, it might be something you haven't even noticed. But I think winning that kind of fight is huge. When people who, weren't that long ago, were decrying the "homosexual agenda" are now just saying "gay" or "Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender". I think that is huge.
Maybe my selective radio listening is why I'm noticing this. Maybe in the radio host's life, someone has come out of the closet to them. Maybe the parent company that owns the station had a corporate suit give them a mandate. I don't know the cause.
But I think a win like that. I think that's big. I think that shows the culture is changing. And that even if some political battles might result in a stalemate or even a loss, the overall war and culture are being won over.
I have something to admit.
I had an evolution, personally, in regards to the gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender culture and LGBT people.
Not so much that I ever really questioned the need for equality in areas such as marriage or civil rights, but in terms of how I used language related to LGBT people.
As a teenager in high school, and probably well into my late teens and early 20s, I casually used the word "gay" as an adjective. I remember using the word "homosexual" rather than "gay" to describe a gay man or gay people. Which in itself isn't specifically slander, it is a much more clinical term and in the context of how it is used today, it is often followed by words like "the homosexual agenda" or "the homosexual takeover of America".
It also isn't too hard to find old social media accounts (before Twitter or Facebook were a thing) where I even casually used the word "fag" or called my friends "faggot".
I don't know if I ever used those words in front of someone who was gay or lesbian. But statistically speaking, if they are anywhere between 2-5% of the population within the United States, my high school probably had a few. And as someone who has been hurt by words, I should realize how hurtful hearing those words can be. Even if they weren't directed at them.
This is something I really regret. I'm not proud of it. But it is something I've done in the past. I've recognized it. And I'd like to think I take a more careful consideration of my words. Not just when talking about LGBT, but for all groups of people. I know words can hurt.
Having been listening to a lot of conservative radio going ga-ga over Indiana's Religious Freedom Restoration (Enrolled) Act, I've started to notice something. That even among conservative pundits on radio and television, the language has completely changed from what it was from 10 or even 5 years ago.
Some are saying "gay" or "lesbian". Very few are using "homosexual". But most seem to just be saying "LGBT" or "GLBT" or they say the full four words. Most aren't even adding a joke about "alphabet soup" after saying it. I'm sure someone has used "faggot" on the radio, but not any show I've heard.
I think that when you win a fight like that, it might be something you haven't even noticed. But I think winning that kind of fight is huge. When people who, weren't that long ago, were decrying the "homosexual agenda" are now just saying "gay" or "Gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender". I think that is huge.
Maybe my selective radio listening is why I'm noticing this. Maybe in the radio host's life, someone has come out of the closet to them. Maybe the parent company that owns the station had a corporate suit give them a mandate. I don't know the cause.
But I think a win like that. I think that's big. I think that shows the culture is changing. And that even if some political battles might result in a stalemate or even a loss, the overall war and culture are being won over.
Saturday, March 28, 2015
RFRA Fallout Stronger Than Expected
The passage of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act has continued ever since Governor Mike Pence signed it into law. Proponents continue to push that is is modeled after the federal and previous states RFRAs but that goes up against reality, where an analyses shows there are three areas where Indiana's RFRA is significantly different.
The review from the business and political community has been mixed. A State Senator referred to Eric Miller, Republican activist and founder of the socially conservative group Advance America, as some misinformed activist with an opinion "from the right". But that misinformed activist somehow got a spot standing behind Governor Pence as the law was being signed. Miller took to his group's website to brag that the law will in part prohibit "a man [from using] the women's restroom".
Despite the overwhelming majorities that this law passed by, only a handful of state legislatures have taken to social media to defend this law. And none of the well paid lobbyists and activists are really doing themselves any favors.
In an column from The Indianapolis Star's Tim Swarens, Swarens says that based on his conversation with Pence, Pence's team didn't see any of the backlash coming. Some companies, such as GenCon, have walked back their economic threats in recent days. Others, such as Angie's List, have stepped up their game and called off a headquarters expansion that was receiving assistance from the State of Indiana. Pence also conversed with the Salesforce CEO who recently suspended all employee travel to Indiana but admitted that it did not change the policy.
Just like the JustIN boondoggle, Pence seems to have surrounded himself by a bunch of Yes-Men that have created a sort of tunnel vision where Planet Pence can do no wrong and that it is really only a problem with messaging.
How can a former radio host, who was well liked by Beltway media for how well they were treated by him and his staff, have so many scandals and fumbles that almost all seem completely self inflicted?
The review from the business and political community has been mixed. A State Senator referred to Eric Miller, Republican activist and founder of the socially conservative group Advance America, as some misinformed activist with an opinion "from the right". But that misinformed activist somehow got a spot standing behind Governor Pence as the law was being signed. Miller took to his group's website to brag that the law will in part prohibit "a man [from using] the women's restroom".
Despite the overwhelming majorities that this law passed by, only a handful of state legislatures have taken to social media to defend this law. And none of the well paid lobbyists and activists are really doing themselves any favors.
In an column from The Indianapolis Star's Tim Swarens, Swarens says that based on his conversation with Pence, Pence's team didn't see any of the backlash coming. Some companies, such as GenCon, have walked back their economic threats in recent days. Others, such as Angie's List, have stepped up their game and called off a headquarters expansion that was receiving assistance from the State of Indiana. Pence also conversed with the Salesforce CEO who recently suspended all employee travel to Indiana but admitted that it did not change the policy.
Just like the JustIN boondoggle, Pence seems to have surrounded himself by a bunch of Yes-Men that have created a sort of tunnel vision where Planet Pence can do no wrong and that it is really only a problem with messaging.
How can a former radio host, who was well liked by Beltway media for how well they were treated by him and his staff, have so many scandals and fumbles that almost all seem completely self inflicted?
Wednesday, March 25, 2015
Religion and Freedom: What's the Fuss?
The Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) has been in the news lately. The legislation, which proponents say is modeled on the federal RFRA and the 20+ states that have passed similar laws, has sailed through the Indiana General Assembly and will soon be on Governor Mike Pence's desk for him to sign, veto, or do nothing (where it automatically becomes law).
Proponents say that RFRA in Indiana is necessary so that religious organizations and organizations and businesses owned and operated by people of faith won't be forced to do something against their truly held tenants. Pundits have criticized the opponents of RFRA saying that the stories of hardship are exaggerated.
Just like the marriage amendment that was debated last year, there is a whole host of businesses and organizations that have come out against RFRA. The latest is Gen Con, who produced an open letter to Governor Pence saying that signing this into law may cause them to reconsider holding the annual convention in Indianapolis. Several faith based organizations have protested against it as well.
I think the debate surrounding RFRA (which I'm against because I think it does nothing in terms of legislation or restoring rights) is missing one thing from the proponents.
To their credit, proponents of RFRA have been very careful to not use examples of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. They've been using religious universities that can still obtain state and federal grants and other situations.
The question that I haven't heard proponents answer is that RFRA has been a known quantity on the federal and state level for around two decades. Why is this law necessary now when it hasn't been in the previously several years? Why now in the first legislative session after same-sex marriage is legal in Indiana?
To me, that is a concern that this specific proposal has something more sinister inside.
Proponents say that RFRA in Indiana is necessary so that religious organizations and organizations and businesses owned and operated by people of faith won't be forced to do something against their truly held tenants. Pundits have criticized the opponents of RFRA saying that the stories of hardship are exaggerated.
Just like the marriage amendment that was debated last year, there is a whole host of businesses and organizations that have come out against RFRA. The latest is Gen Con, who produced an open letter to Governor Pence saying that signing this into law may cause them to reconsider holding the annual convention in Indianapolis. Several faith based organizations have protested against it as well.
I think the debate surrounding RFRA (which I'm against because I think it does nothing in terms of legislation or restoring rights) is missing one thing from the proponents.
To their credit, proponents of RFRA have been very careful to not use examples of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. They've been using religious universities that can still obtain state and federal grants and other situations.
The question that I haven't heard proponents answer is that RFRA has been a known quantity on the federal and state level for around two decades. Why is this law necessary now when it hasn't been in the previously several years? Why now in the first legislative session after same-sex marriage is legal in Indiana?
To me, that is a concern that this specific proposal has something more sinister inside.
Thursday, February 26, 2015
Hoosier Lottery Promotes Financial Literacy, I Spit Out My Coffee
The Hoosier Lottery announced today that they're kicking off a partnership with Ivy Tech Community College with a free online financial literacy course. In a media availability event that happened exclusively in my head, Hoosier Lottery Executive Director Sarah Taylor actually passed out the press release touting this partnership. That probably explains why nearly every single article looks nearly identical despite each one being authored by the individual media outlet or a specific reporter.
In an exclusive sit down interview that never actually happened, I asked Taylor to explain how this partnership with Ivy Tech came about and why financial literacy was chosen. After she droned on for several minutes, I asked her if this was her idea of a joke. "Actually, I prefer the knock knock jokes" Taylor said. When asked what part of the financial literacy course covers how to responsibly gamble the meager Social Security check Grandma lives off of away at a local gas station, Taylor reminded me that there's a 1-800 number on every Hoosier Lottery ticket for people who have an addiction to gaming. "Gambling only takes place on riverboat casinos", Taylor said, correcting me.
I also couldn't let this chance pass without asking why the Hoosier Lottery has targeted an aggressive expansion of Lottery retailers and self-serve kiosks almost exclusively in poor and minority communities. And why the media campaign behind the Hoosier Lottery is almost always in the parts of town that could use a lift up. I asked her why the State Fairgrounds electronic billboard screams Lottery promotion day in and day out near a part of town where many African Americans live and what passes for a grocery store around there are usually pimping Hoosier Lottery tickets day in and day out, while the few retail outlets in Hamilton County that sell the Lottery have a lot less flare beside it.
At that time, I was kindly escorted out of the completely made up media availability event.
The Onion might as well just pack on up and move to Indianapolis. Half of our actual news events look like an Onion article already.
In an exclusive sit down interview that never actually happened, I asked Taylor to explain how this partnership with Ivy Tech came about and why financial literacy was chosen. After she droned on for several minutes, I asked her if this was her idea of a joke. "Actually, I prefer the knock knock jokes" Taylor said. When asked what part of the financial literacy course covers how to responsibly gamble the meager Social Security check Grandma lives off of away at a local gas station, Taylor reminded me that there's a 1-800 number on every Hoosier Lottery ticket for people who have an addiction to gaming. "Gambling only takes place on riverboat casinos", Taylor said, correcting me.
I also couldn't let this chance pass without asking why the Hoosier Lottery has targeted an aggressive expansion of Lottery retailers and self-serve kiosks almost exclusively in poor and minority communities. And why the media campaign behind the Hoosier Lottery is almost always in the parts of town that could use a lift up. I asked her why the State Fairgrounds electronic billboard screams Lottery promotion day in and day out near a part of town where many African Americans live and what passes for a grocery store around there are usually pimping Hoosier Lottery tickets day in and day out, while the few retail outlets in Hamilton County that sell the Lottery have a lot less flare beside it.
At that time, I was kindly escorted out of the completely made up media availability event.
The Onion might as well just pack on up and move to Indianapolis. Half of our actual news events look like an Onion article already.
Sunday, February 1, 2015
Louisville and Indianapolis: Closer Than We Think
I recently went to Louisville to see Ben Folds perform with their symphonic orchestra. Folds has twice paid a similar visit to Indiana, once to play with Fort Wayne's philharmonic and another to Indianapolis to perform with our own symphony.
While there, I only drove by car to grab breakfast on Sunday morning and that's only because I was leaving the hotel. While my view of Louisville was limited, I felt that I found a lot of similarities to my home city of Indianapolis. In some ways they were good, and others not so much.
Similar to Indianapolis, Louisville has a consolidated city-county government that took place in 2003, with the Sheriff and Clerk still retaining their separate roles due to the Kentucky state constitution. Louisville is also the only first class city in the state of Kentucky, allowing the state legislature to craft specific legislation that will only impact Louisville. While our Indianapolis-Marion County Council has 29 (soon to be 25), they have 26 councilors as well as a Mayor. Unlike our system, their council is election so that half of the members are up for election every two years.
Politically, Kentucky has a viable Democratic party at the state level even though the state hasn't gone "blue" for a Presidential election since Bill Clinton in 1996. It has a Democratic Governor who won election in 2011 with 55% of the vote while the last two US Senate elections have been won by Republicans with 55% and 58% of the vote. In Louisville, a Republican hasn't been elected Mayor since the 1960s and Republicans only hold nine seats on the council.
While walking around the city, I noticed several parking meters were bagged under the authority of the "Parking Authority of River City". The authority is a board appointed by the Mayor that oversees the parking regulation division of the city government. The board manages the meters, municipal garages, and neighborhood parking permit programs, among other things. Talking to some of the locals, most of them couldn't tell me when electric meters (which also still take coins, from what I could tell) were installed, but had been there for several years. One resident did note some areas are still using the old coin only meters.
While Indianapolis privatized the entire arm of parking services and management, the city of Louisville owns the meters and other assets but contracts out the day-to-day operations to a private company.
There's a story from the Courier Journal about how Saturday parking meter fees have been allowed for a long time, but only local police could write tickets on Saturday rather than Parking Authority workers. That has recently changed. However, the meters all read 7am-6pm Monday through Saturday. It does not seem like any section of the city gets special meter times, like some of the cultural districts do in Indianapolis.
I also found it interesting how similar their "NuLu" district is with our Fountain Square or Mass Ave district. NuLu is just outside of the heart of downtown Louisville and the area is dotted with areas to grab a meal, a drink, candy, and other kinds of retail, as well as residential and lodging. A street corner that previously housed a maintenance shop is now what appears to be a very hip, very cool looking bar. Many of the buildings seem to have remodeled interiors while trying to preserve the exteriors.
I also came across what appeared to be an abandoned building. Instead of leaving it to rot in the middle of their downtown, they gutted the interior and turned it into what appears to be a playground or gathering place. It wasn't open to the public at the time, but that seems to be a great idea.
They also have a recently remodeled convention center. I didn't go inside, but they did appear to have a cafe that serves beer, pastries, and coffee that seemed to be generally open to the public. But unfortunately, if it was open on Sundays, it wasn't at the time I drove by.
One thing I didn't notice a lot of is green space. Downtown Indianapolis is very fortunate to have several blocks of green space between Central Library and the federal court house between Meridian and Pennsylvania.
I don't want to seem like I'm trying to make a sell on Louisville, because I'm not. There were two things that I felt were negatives for the city.
One was the lack of affordable restaurants outside of business hours. It seems that many of the decently priced restaurants, where you can grab some soup, a sandwich, or your basic fare without ordering a several course meal, closed up shop on Friday at 5 when the workers left for the weekend. Even among the fine dining I saw, many of them didn't open until 4-6 in the evening. The district surrounding the sports stadium had several bars and restaurants open until the wee hours of the morning, but that was about it.
The other thing I noticed is a lot of "For Sale" or "Leasing opportunities available" in commercial buildings. Even in a very commercial corridor with several hotels, a sports stadium, and a Performing Arts Center (along with other landmarks I surely missed or overlooked), there sure seemed to be a lot of empty and underutilized office space. I don't know if that is part of a building boom whose bubble popped, or if Louisville is still struggling with the lagging economy. But it wasn't a very encouraging sign. Surely if a very well-off part of Louisville had signs of hardship, I can only imagine that areas that aren't as tourist and business friendly might be hit even harder.
Sunday, January 25, 2015
Consolidated Primary? I'll See Your Consolidated and Raise a "No"
My friend Abdul Hakim-Shabazz has recently written about having a "consolidated" primary for Indiana's municipal elections. What he's really proposing is doing what many other states do and take the labels away from municipal politics. I really don't love this idea because partisans and party workers honestly and truly believe there is a difference in how the political parties view their role as election officials and how government works. I also don't like the idea of someone claiming a "non-partisan" mantel even though we all know what jersey they are wearing.
But I think there is some tinkering that can be done with municipal city and town elections that are held in Indiana. Some of it is proposed in the Indiana General Assembly.
House Bill 1038 would move many of the municipal elections held in off, odd numbered years to even numbered years. It appears that they aren't all moving to the same year. Some offices would be moving to the Presidential year and others would be moving to the non-presidential year.
Personally, I'd like to see Mayor in one election cycle and have the municipal legislative body in the next cycle. That way one can serve as a referendum on the other.
But one bill I don't see being proposed in the general assembly, or elsewhere, is the elimination of publicly funded primaries.
I think many people mistake primaries as some sort of election where one candidate goes up against another (or ore) candidate of the same party, they duke it out, and whoever gets the nomination goes on to face the other nominated candidates in November.
What primaries actually are a system designed for the benefit of a political party, which is supposed to be a private organization with its own rules and regulating laws. Political organizations should have full and complete control over who they nominate. I believe these organizations can efficiently nominate candidates in a low cost way without the public having to dig out the massive amount of resources to pull off a public election in which not one public official is actually elected.
Some people may scoff at this idea but it is the exact same system that is often used to fill political vacancies. It is also by the major parties of Indiana to nominate candidates for all of their state-wide office candidates besides Governor. The minor parties that are recognized in Indiana also decide their candidates by a political convention.
And a number of states do this as well when nominating for President. They are called the "caucus" states. Yes, the Democratic and Republican parties of Iowa actually pay for their caucus.
So can we have that discussion, Indiana?
But I think there is some tinkering that can be done with municipal city and town elections that are held in Indiana. Some of it is proposed in the Indiana General Assembly.
House Bill 1038 would move many of the municipal elections held in off, odd numbered years to even numbered years. It appears that they aren't all moving to the same year. Some offices would be moving to the Presidential year and others would be moving to the non-presidential year.
Personally, I'd like to see Mayor in one election cycle and have the municipal legislative body in the next cycle. That way one can serve as a referendum on the other.
But one bill I don't see being proposed in the general assembly, or elsewhere, is the elimination of publicly funded primaries.
I think many people mistake primaries as some sort of election where one candidate goes up against another (or ore) candidate of the same party, they duke it out, and whoever gets the nomination goes on to face the other nominated candidates in November.
What primaries actually are a system designed for the benefit of a political party, which is supposed to be a private organization with its own rules and regulating laws. Political organizations should have full and complete control over who they nominate. I believe these organizations can efficiently nominate candidates in a low cost way without the public having to dig out the massive amount of resources to pull off a public election in which not one public official is actually elected.
Some people may scoff at this idea but it is the exact same system that is often used to fill political vacancies. It is also by the major parties of Indiana to nominate candidates for all of their state-wide office candidates besides Governor. The minor parties that are recognized in Indiana also decide their candidates by a political convention.
And a number of states do this as well when nominating for President. They are called the "caucus" states. Yes, the Democratic and Republican parties of Iowa actually pay for their caucus.
So can we have that discussion, Indiana?
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Downtown Business Owner Joins Indy Mayoral Race
Word has leaked on Monday that the Marion County GOP is set to announce local businessman Chuck Brewer as their surprise candidate for Indianapolis Mayor. Brewer originally announced a City-County Council candidacy in the south side in District 23. He will be participating in the Marion County GOP slating convention, set for January 31st. As with all things political, I will be out of town that day.
Brewer, who owns Potbelly and Soupremacy in downtown Indianapolis, will be facing competition in the Indianapolis Mayoral race from several fellow Republicans.
Deputy Mayor Olgen Williams has announced his candidacy as a Republican. Williams has been a Deputy Mayor through the entire length of the Greg Ballard administration, but has not publicly been at the front of pushing the administration's policies. Williams has been non-committal about participating in slating.
Reverend Charles Harrison of the Ten Point Coalition filed for an exploratory committee but has hesitated on if he'd be running under a party banner or as an independent. Recent reports say Harrison will not run if Williams is nominated. There are increasing rumors that he'll be nominated as the Libertarian candidate for Mayor.
Terry Michael, who formerly held office in Hamilton County, has also filed as a Republican candidate for Mayor. Michael has also been non-committal on slating.
The question facing any of these Republicans is can they build a base in the 9 months and change left before the November election to make a serious election bid against presumed Democratic nominee Joe Hogsett?
Welcome to the race, everyone.
Monday, January 12, 2015
Sunday Sales: Why Not?
Once again, the start of the Indiana General Assembly has led to some buzz about Indiana further tinkering with the odd set of alcohol regulations the state has shackled itself with for a long time. Visitors and newcomers alike often wander why all the liquor store parking lots are empty on Sundays, and why the alcohol section at Kroger is blocked off by a chips display?
It is because the state of Indiana does not allow alcohol sales on Sundays at the retail level. Over the last several years, our lawmakers realized that prohibiting alcohol sales for one day a week could be bad for business. They've made exemptions for bars and restaurants, for breweries, wineries, and distilleries. You can get your drink on at the Sunday Colts game or any sporting event that has an alcohol license. But the ban on retail purchases still remains.
A bill has been introduced in the Indiana General Assembly, but it is by the same representative who has sponsored it before. This NPR Article from two years ago highlights the main arguments pretty well from two of the leading lobbyists, one from the convenience and grocery stores and another from the package liquor stores.
You're familiar with the argument by now. That allowing the retail sale of alcohol on Sundays could be devastating to the package liquor store industry, that it could be a job killer, that up to 25% of them could end up closing and that this is a mega corporate takeover trying to push down the little guy.
Welcome to the big boy world, package.
Can I call you package?
Listen, I'm sympathetic to the argument. I am no fan of corporations trying to beat down independent, locally owned competition. I personally have gone out of my way to support mom and pop shops, even if it costs me a few extra bucks. I think consumers will pay a premium for premium service. I think a package liquor store, being smaller, will be able to more quickly respond to consumer demand than a gas station chain or a grocery chain. The guy who does the ordering for the chains might not even live in the same city as the store, or even the state!
But if you provide a quality service, people will come. They'll come and they'll spend their money.
Look at the cultural district of Broad Ripple within Indianapolis. There is a Starbucks right in the heart of it. But there's at least three independently owned coffee shops within blocks of it, two of which have been open for business for several years.
Look at music stores like Luna Music and Indy CD and Vinyl in Indianapolis, Landlocked Music in Bloomington, and Von's Records in West Lafayette. Music sales, including digital, are plummeting. Megastores that used to be major shopping attractions in some of the biggest cities in the country are closed. Music and entertainment chains like Sam Goody or FYE are either shut down or closing shops across the country. Even the music selection at chain stores like Best Buy and Wal-Mart now takes up a much smaller space than what it used to be.
But these music stores are thriving because they are adopting to consumer demand. Admittedly, it is a niche market concentrated on vinyl records, used music, and in-store performances by local, regional, and national acts. But these stores stand strong despite stiff competition.
So if you are a package liquor store and you become like, THE one stop shop to get HOOSIER craft beer or some other niche, and you have a knowledgeable and friendly staff, I think you'll do fine. Mr. Livengood (can I call you John?), I won't even charge you or your association for that advice.
If all you do is charge $1-3 for a pack of Coors than what the grocery store is selling it for, then good luck with that.
It is because the state of Indiana does not allow alcohol sales on Sundays at the retail level. Over the last several years, our lawmakers realized that prohibiting alcohol sales for one day a week could be bad for business. They've made exemptions for bars and restaurants, for breweries, wineries, and distilleries. You can get your drink on at the Sunday Colts game or any sporting event that has an alcohol license. But the ban on retail purchases still remains.
A bill has been introduced in the Indiana General Assembly, but it is by the same representative who has sponsored it before. This NPR Article from two years ago highlights the main arguments pretty well from two of the leading lobbyists, one from the convenience and grocery stores and another from the package liquor stores.
You're familiar with the argument by now. That allowing the retail sale of alcohol on Sundays could be devastating to the package liquor store industry, that it could be a job killer, that up to 25% of them could end up closing and that this is a mega corporate takeover trying to push down the little guy.
Welcome to the big boy world, package.
Can I call you package?
Listen, I'm sympathetic to the argument. I am no fan of corporations trying to beat down independent, locally owned competition. I personally have gone out of my way to support mom and pop shops, even if it costs me a few extra bucks. I think consumers will pay a premium for premium service. I think a package liquor store, being smaller, will be able to more quickly respond to consumer demand than a gas station chain or a grocery chain. The guy who does the ordering for the chains might not even live in the same city as the store, or even the state!
But if you provide a quality service, people will come. They'll come and they'll spend their money.
Look at the cultural district of Broad Ripple within Indianapolis. There is a Starbucks right in the heart of it. But there's at least three independently owned coffee shops within blocks of it, two of which have been open for business for several years.
Look at music stores like Luna Music and Indy CD and Vinyl in Indianapolis, Landlocked Music in Bloomington, and Von's Records in West Lafayette. Music sales, including digital, are plummeting. Megastores that used to be major shopping attractions in some of the biggest cities in the country are closed. Music and entertainment chains like Sam Goody or FYE are either shut down or closing shops across the country. Even the music selection at chain stores like Best Buy and Wal-Mart now takes up a much smaller space than what it used to be.
But these music stores are thriving because they are adopting to consumer demand. Admittedly, it is a niche market concentrated on vinyl records, used music, and in-store performances by local, regional, and national acts. But these stores stand strong despite stiff competition.
So if you are a package liquor store and you become like, THE one stop shop to get HOOSIER craft beer or some other niche, and you have a knowledgeable and friendly staff, I think you'll do fine. Mr. Livengood (can I call you John?), I won't even charge you or your association for that advice.
If all you do is charge $1-3 for a pack of Coors than what the grocery store is selling it for, then good luck with that.
Monday, January 5, 2015
Castleton Square Mall Unrest Leaves More Questions Than Answers
If you live in the range of the Indianapolis/central Indiana news agencies, you've probably heard about the unrest that occurred Saturday night at Castleton Square Mall. An hour before the mall closed for the night, fights broke out among youth who were in the food court area. It spilled into one of the parking lots. Media reports vary among how large the fight was or how many were involved.
This video from WTHR, while nothing of the actual fight, shows the crowd control that happened afterwards and shows some skirmishes happening among the crowd while police were present.
It is important to note that this occurred during the end of the Christmas Break in the academic calendar.
I think there are several important questions that need to be answered from all parties. That includes, but is not limited to:
Simon Malls has repeatedly refused to enforce any type of curfew policy in their Indianapolis area malls and properties, including Castleton Square Mall and Circle Centre Mall in downtown Indy. When Simon Malls used to run Mall of America, they instituted a curfew policy which allows those 15 and under to be escorted by an adult of 21 years of age or older during the weekend evenings. This policy still stands today.
Our elected officials, and those that give them money and essentially run this city, should really be taking a hard look at Simon Property Group. They are a major beneficiary of all sorts of tax incentives from the city and the state. Maybe some of those incentives should come with strings attached.
Also, where is the social media presence from Simon? Where is any type of media presence? The few media types that were able to reach someone at Simon were met with "no comment." Their Twitter accounts for the individual mall and the Simon Malls are empty. This does not look good, and with no comment or guidance from Simon, the narrative is being set by the media. And it ain't pretty.
Both the powers-that-be in Indianapolis-Marion County politics and our community as a whole have collectively failed to provide an environment where people between the ages of 14 and 20 can go and find something to do in a safe, drug free environment that doesn't break the bank. In his Indianapolis Recorder column from two years ago, Amos Brown writes that "every mayor since Steve Goldsmith has worked to stamp out activities that would appeal to today's teens". As someone who was a teenager not that long ago, that was my experience. I'm certain the same is still true today.
I'm not a cop, but I know a few. When I ran for council in 2011, I was endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 86. So I'd like to think I have a good understanding of what law enforcement in Marion County is up against. I'd like to think I can empathize with them even if I don't agree with what they did or how they handled something. But I am completely confused as to how a brawl can break out, that requires police to be called, and not a single arrest is made.
This just to me. I'm sure there is a logical explanation. But to me, just hearing that, it seems off.
IMPD also needs to work on being more certain before putting out statements. Several times IMPD said they had some advance knowledge of something being planned for the Castleton Mall area, with Fox 59 WXIN calling it "social media intelligence". IMPD later said they had no advance knowledge of it. Which makes me wonder what is their "social media intelligence" division like, and if their was any evidence to suggest that this unrest at the mall was partially planned, why wasn't it discovered in advance?
Finally, to my friends in the media. A couple of area news agencies published headlines saying "shots fired" (you can make out the original headline in the URL rather than what the headline text was later edited to). That turned out not to be true, and other news agencies covered their asses by saying "Reportedly" or "witnesses". It is sometimes hard to be a good judge of character when covering a chaotic crowd. But sometimes, it pays to be a bit more patient rather than to have egg on your face.
This video from WTHR, while nothing of the actual fight, shows the crowd control that happened afterwards and shows some skirmishes happening among the crowd while police were present.
It is important to note that this occurred during the end of the Christmas Break in the academic calendar.
I think there are several important questions that need to be answered from all parties. That includes, but is not limited to:
- Simon Malls, which owns and operates Castleton Square Mall
- The powers-that-be in Indianapolis-Marion County politics
- The Indianapolis community at large
- The Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department
- The Indianapolis Media
Simon Malls has repeatedly refused to enforce any type of curfew policy in their Indianapolis area malls and properties, including Castleton Square Mall and Circle Centre Mall in downtown Indy. When Simon Malls used to run Mall of America, they instituted a curfew policy which allows those 15 and under to be escorted by an adult of 21 years of age or older during the weekend evenings. This policy still stands today.
Our elected officials, and those that give them money and essentially run this city, should really be taking a hard look at Simon Property Group. They are a major beneficiary of all sorts of tax incentives from the city and the state. Maybe some of those incentives should come with strings attached.
Also, where is the social media presence from Simon? Where is any type of media presence? The few media types that were able to reach someone at Simon were met with "no comment." Their Twitter accounts for the individual mall and the Simon Malls are empty. This does not look good, and with no comment or guidance from Simon, the narrative is being set by the media. And it ain't pretty.
Both the powers-that-be in Indianapolis-Marion County politics and our community as a whole have collectively failed to provide an environment where people between the ages of 14 and 20 can go and find something to do in a safe, drug free environment that doesn't break the bank. In his Indianapolis Recorder column from two years ago, Amos Brown writes that "every mayor since Steve Goldsmith has worked to stamp out activities that would appeal to today's teens". As someone who was a teenager not that long ago, that was my experience. I'm certain the same is still true today.
I'm not a cop, but I know a few. When I ran for council in 2011, I was endorsed by the Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 86. So I'd like to think I have a good understanding of what law enforcement in Marion County is up against. I'd like to think I can empathize with them even if I don't agree with what they did or how they handled something. But I am completely confused as to how a brawl can break out, that requires police to be called, and not a single arrest is made.
This just to me. I'm sure there is a logical explanation. But to me, just hearing that, it seems off.
IMPD also needs to work on being more certain before putting out statements. Several times IMPD said they had some advance knowledge of something being planned for the Castleton Mall area, with Fox 59 WXIN calling it "social media intelligence". IMPD later said they had no advance knowledge of it. Which makes me wonder what is their "social media intelligence" division like, and if their was any evidence to suggest that this unrest at the mall was partially planned, why wasn't it discovered in advance?
Finally, to my friends in the media. A couple of area news agencies published headlines saying "shots fired" (you can make out the original headline in the URL rather than what the headline text was later edited to). That turned out not to be true, and other news agencies covered their asses by saying "Reportedly" or "witnesses". It is sometimes hard to be a good judge of character when covering a chaotic crowd. But sometimes, it pays to be a bit more patient rather than to have egg on your face.
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