Tuesday, September 28, 2010

City Council Takes Up Parking Deal TONIGHT!

The Indianapolis-Marion County City-County Council will once again be dealing with the ACS Parking deal in the Rules and Public Policy Committee. The meeting will take place at 5:30pm in Room 118 at the City-County Building downtown. The agenda for the committee notes that it is for "informational purposes only. Final action is not expected at this time."

The committee is chaired by Robert Lutz (R-13th District). Lutz loves to have city insiders and the downtown elite speak for hours on end, showing meaningless Powerpoint presentation and spouting off talking points. And when it comes time for "public comment", he's known to use a buzzer to make sure the public doesn't get more than a minute or two of input into a deal that could potentially last half a century. I don't live in Lutz district and don't know the man personally, but the way he has chaired this committee has been absolutely horrible. I pledge to any Democrat or Libertarian that runs against him in District 13 that I'll support both financially and with my time as a volunteer. This man does not deserve to represent the people of Indianapolis.

1 comment:

  1. ENFORCEMENT PROCEEDINGS - SEC Charges Affiliated Computer Services, Inc. With Stock Options Backdating and False Disclosures: "The SEC's complaint, filed in federal district court in Washington, D.C., alleges that from 1995 to 2006, ACS engaged in a fraudulent and deceptive scheme to provide executives and other employees with undisclosed compensation."

    Above is a part of a recent investigation into ACS.

    Seriously folks let's get real.
    Public officials are supposed to be trustees of the commonweal, not political
    buccaneers seeking their own private gain. But sometimes, in what economists call a
    principal-agent problem, those trustees forsake that obligation and misuse the power
    delegated to them in ways that advance their personal interests rather than those of the
    Corruption distorts the allocation of resources toward projects that
    can generate illicit payoffs. Besides the undesirable efficiency consequences arising
    from this distortion, the effect is likely to aggravate social inequalities, because the poor and powerless suffer, by definition, a comparative disadvantage in securing special favors.
    If the $500,000 has to be paid if the City-County Council will not vote for the ACS deal. Pay ACS's political blackmail scheme and get them out of town. Like all the other commentaries together with articles I've been reading have showed, ACS is not the kind of corporation we want in our town. Political blackmail, special interests, conflict of interests, WHERES THE FBI? WHERES THE FEDS?
    Has anyone ever read ACS Ethical Standards they try to impose on their employees at the welfare office. Their employees aren't allowed to accept even a Christmas card. Yet the CEO's and Directors of this company have done just that.
    ACS is a shameful, unethical, disgraceful hypocrite, not to mention the so called "leaders" of Indianapolis for creating this mess.
    What an embarrassment to our city.


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